Sunday 22 July 2012

Menu plan + return to study

Well people, it's official. As of tomorrow morning, I am a student again. I'm starting my postgrad studies and I've spent the afternoon printing out my course profile and study guide, organising my new stationery and freaking out over what I've gotten myself into.

I think that I'm getting less excited amnd more apprehensive with every 'first day'. I remember before I started school as a child I was desperate to get to school and learn. I kept asking my mum when I would learn to read. She said I would learn to read when I went to school. I kept waiting and waiting all day on my first day of Grade One - was this the bit when we would learn to read? What about now? I still remember my shock and dissapointment when, at about 3:30, I realised that 1) I have been to school and 2) I couldn't read yet. I promptly burst into tears - I couldn't read yet and my mum had said something that wasn't true.

When I started high school I was excited, very nervous but keen to get started. A whole new world of not only classes but extra curricular activities, timetable, lockers, textbooks and moving rooms for each class(!) awaited, and I was very excited.

By the time first year uni rolled around, I was jumping up and down with excitement too, but of course I was trying to be cool and not show it or look like a first year. You know, the one with a big map who was underage and didn't know where to go and was heading to the first year chem lecture with 1499 other students.

So, now my first day of post grad awaits. I'm much, much more nervous this time. Previously, it was all about me. If I stayed up all night studying before, it only affected me. This time around I have a husband and a toddler, and my actions affect them. I can't just do what I want, when I want. I can't stay up as long as I want and study as hard as I want. I'm panicking a bit, and I hope that all will work out. I don't want to spend hours at my desk since that means time away from Chubs and DH, but at the same time I want to make a really good go of my study, or else there is no point doing it.

So, with apprehension, anxiety, excitement and brand new stationery - here we go!

Menu plan

Since I'm adding one more pot onto the metaphorical stove, I'd better have a good idea of what I'm doing on the actual stove!

Monday: Chicken bolognese
Tuesday: stirfry (DH)
Wednesday: something from the freezer?
Thursday: Chicken bolognese
Friday: stirfry
Saturday: beef bolognese
Sunday: scavenge



  1. Good luck with your studies!!! You have always been a multi-tasker, I know you'll be fine and do well.


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